Notre Dame exhibit comes to Beijing

In one of the northern exhibition halls of the National Museum of China, a sculpture of a gargoyle, which was originally designed as a foremost part of the rainwater drainage system of Paris' famed Notre Dame cathedral, sits silently among orderly arranged devices, ready to accompany visitors on a journey between the past and the present, the virtual and the real.

With Notre Dame cathedral about to complete its restoration and reopen to the public in December after a massive fire, an immersive augmented reality (AR) exhibition depicting the cathedral's history of construction, destruction and reconstruction will kick off at the National Museum of China on Thursday.

The exhibition, jointly held by the museum and the Public Establishment in Charge of the Conservation and Restoration of Notre Dame de Paris and sponsored by the L'oreal Group, is also part of celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic ties and the China-France Year of Culture and Tourism.

Although this is a touring exhibition, the unique part of the stop at the National Museum of China is four original sculptures embellishing the cathedral and reflecting the mid-19th century taste for symbols and a fantasy Middle Ages, including a gargoyle, a chimera and a plant-covered human figure. The Chinese curatorial team of the National Museum put forward the idea of adding real cultural relics to the AR exhibition to enhance immersion and successfully reached an agreement with the French side.

"We would like to relate the history of the Notre Dame de Paris, a shared cultural legacy of the whole world with a novel digital method that has been approved and appreciated by younger generations," Zhu Xiaoyun, director of the Department of International Cooperation of the National Museum of China and the Chinese curator of the exhibition, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Zhu noted that the exhibition, a result of China-France cultural cooperation, interprets the meaning of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations very well. 

"Mutual learning refers to learning from each other's advantages. What the exhibition showcases regarding how a cultural legacy with a history of more than 800 years has been revived from fatal destruction provide us new insight into the museum's duty to conserve immovable cultural legacies," Zhu noted.

Stepping into the exhibition hall, visitors can use a provided tablet computer to travel across the ocean and through time to see the world of Notre Dame. There are over 20 cylinder-shaped tables set in the hall with a QR code pasted on each one. When scanning these codes with a tablet, a portion of a painting depicting the cathedral at different eras unfolds so that visitors can see the many details of its history, such as how its Gothic ceiling was built.

Building a private conversation with the cathedral throughout the exhibition, visitors can explore the secrets of its Gothic architecture, including its religious background and historical changes, in the virtual world by clicking the buttons on the screen. According to the curator, the information about the cathedral is so vast that it would take at least four hours to finish scrolling through the entire content on the tablet.

Four original fragments of the building are arranged among these devices, allowing visitors to shuttle between the virtual and real worlds and get closer to the essence of French culture.

"This was just a digital exhibition at the beginning in which we used new technology to introduce something that the public doesn't know very well. Now we also have real artifacts. This is important because we are using all these elements to recreate reality and to provide more information," Gergely László, director of operations and quality of French tech company Histovery and also the French curator of the exhibition, told the Global Times on Wednesday. 

Zhu said that cultural institutions in China and France have jointly launched a series of events to celebrate 2024's special anniversary and promote people-to-people exchanges. This year, the cultural symbol that is Notre Dame will be a messenger for this celebration.

The exhibition will travel to Hong Kong after the Beijing leg.

US' 'woke culture' exposes deep societal divisions, intensifying debates on identity politics and social justice

Editor's Note:

"I lost my son, essentially," American tech mogul Elon Musk said in an interview on July 22. He said in the interview that he was "tricked" into agreeing to trans-related medical treatment. The changes in his son led Musk to despise the "woke culture." Many right-wing individuals and Republicans in America share Musk's views on the so-called "woke culture," but for many left-wing individuals and Democrats, "woke culture" is seen as a progressive ideology. "Woke culture" has evolved into a cultural conflict surrounding identity politics in America, and this ideology has also spread to Europe, stirring up the political and social landscape.
Obscure definitions

In recent years, Musk has been heavily critical of "woke culture," describing it as a threat to modern civilization and even stating that his previous acquisition of Twitter, now X, was to combat it. However, when asked to define what "woke culture" is, this tech giant's description was not accurate.

At a conservative breakfast meeting in Iowa on June 1, 2023, former US president Donald Trump stated, "I don't like the term 'woke' because I hear, 'Woke, woke, woke.' It's just a term they use, half the people can't even define it, they don't know what it is."

The Australian news website The Conversation commented that Trump's words "inadvertently highlighted the confounding and contradictory nature of American politics today."

"The term 'woke' can be either an insult or a marker of pride - it can shift depending on the context," said the article.

According to the Spanish newspaper El País, the term "woke" has been used for years to "describe those who are sensitive and involved in the struggle against social injustice, especially in US politics, but also in the politics of other countries following suit perhaps to a lesser degree."

"Woke was a label proudly worn by activists in pursuit of social and climate justice: From Black Lives Matter (BLM) to the #MeToo movement, and the fight against global warming. Woke seemed to advocate a new era of equality and justice," read the article.

It's been reported that many media and political figures have claimed that the "woke culture" is only about justice and decency. It showed that the country acknowledged the cruelty of its past and recognized that its past still shapes this country's present.

However, according to ABC News, "woke" is used as a derogatory term by some Republicans to refer to identity-based social justice issues pushed by some Democrats and progressives.

USA Today quoted a Florida Governor Ron DeSantis spokesperson who called "woke" a slang term for "progressive activism" and a "general belief in systemic injustices in the country."

Manhattan Institute scholar Zach Goldberg believes that "woke" signifies more than just "left-wing radicalism" and essentially involves believing that differences in outcomes between groups - whether based on race, "genders," or sexes - are largely a product of oppressive societal forces and structures, read the USA Today article.

In fact, the term "woke" was originally created by progressive African Americans and was used in the early to mid-20th century in the racial justice movement. According to the website of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, stay woke "became a watchword in parts of the black community for those who were self-aware, questioning the dominant paradigm and striving for something better."

The Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, an American popular record company, includes the protest song "Scottsboro Boys" sung by Lead Belly in the 1930s, in which the term "stay woke" is often considered to be the earliest source of the word. The "Scottsboro Boys" refers to nine black teenagers who were falsely accused, in 1931, of raping two white women in Alabama, and later eight of them were hastily sentenced to death. The case is one of the most famous civil rights cases in American history. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the term "woke" became more widely used in 2014 as part of the BLM.

"The term 'woke' has become so divisive that it is harming support for the issue it is meant to be highlighting," according to Al Jazeera. "The broad use of the term has caused it to become heavily weaponized by both the left and the right, turning what was once a welcoming creed into a toxic and divisive word, particularly in Western countries including the US, Canada, the UK, and other European nations," it said.

A New York University student told the Global Times that today's "woke culture" has gone too far, with "woke" individuals always tending to label those who disagree with them as "conservatives" or "Trump supporters," and sometimes things that were acceptable to say the year before suddenly become "offensive" at the present time. Jason, an engineer living in New Jersey, believes that the so-called "woke culture" is a pseudo-concept created by American interest groups to incite division among the public in order to ensure their continued control over American society.

According to USA Today, Democrats seem to view this term as a badge of honor, while Republicans see it as something that must be stopped. The struggle over "woke culture" in the US has spread to various fields.

US right-wing vs 'woke capitalism'

Due to resistance from conservatives against "woke culture," the US has witnessed the emergence of an "anti-woke culture" movement, with Governor DeSantis as one of its leaders.

According to ABC, DeSantis enacted the "Parental Rights in Education" bill and the "Stop WOKE Act" in Florida, implementing policies that limit classroom discussions on race, oppression, gender, and sexual orientation. The state government also banned funding for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs on public university campuses and rejected the introduction of an Advanced Placement African American Studies course in state high schools.

Notably, the battle over "woke culture" in education is not confined to Florida. In 2023, more than 20 states across the US considered or approved new laws targeting DEI programs.

The term "woke capitalism" was coined by conservative columnist Ross Douthat in a 2018 New York Times article, defining it as corporations supporting progressive causes to maintain their societal influence. Some view the practice of casting black actors in traditionally white roles in films as an example of "woke capitalism."

LGBTQ+ rights have also become another "battleground" in US bipartisan conflicts. According to PBS in March 2023, since beginning his campaign, Trump has targeted LGBTQ+ communities, stating that if elected, he would sign executive orders to cut federal funding to schools promoting Critical Race Theory, transgender mental disorders, and other "inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content" to American teenagers.

In contrast, President Biden and Democrats, as reported by AFP, have signed multiple executive orders supporting LGBTQ+ rights. On June 15, 2022, Biden, along with Vice President Kamala Harris and other Democratic leaders, met with LGBTQ+ representatives at the White House to show solidarity.

Wang Yufan, a scholar at the Department of American Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, told the Global Times that the popularity of "woke culture" and identity politics in the US is related to its economic inequality.

She explained that growing income inequality, with wealth concentrated among a few rich individuals, has increased economic pressure on the middle and low-income classes, who are more likely to support "woke culture" emphasizing fairness and justice. Identity politics has also become a crucial means for them to express themselves and strive for economic equality.

The Guardian noted that in the US, various groups, including whites, blacks, Latinos, and Asians, men and women, all feel attacked, bullied, persecuted, and discriminated against. Coupled with record inequality levels, identity politics is evident on both ends of the US political spectrum.

Wang believes that on one hand, "woke culture" and identity politics have raised public awareness of issues such as racial and gender discrimination, promoting social discussion and resolution, and playing a positive role in advancing social equality and inclusion.

On the other hand, "woke culture" has become a form of political correctness, being oversimplified and symbolized, leading to overcorrections. Additionally, the left's "woke culture" has faced backlash from right-wing conservatives, leading to more severe social divisions. The cultural wars between the two parties over "woke" and "anti-woke" have intensified political polarization, creating a vicious cycle.

Spreading across ocean

The concept and actions of "woke culture" born in the US have crossed the Atlantic, sparking an "anti-woke culture" movement in Europe.

According to an Independent report in December 2021, six months prior, most French people would have mistaken the term "woke" for the "wok" used in cooking, but by the end of 2021, the concept of "woke" had taken France by storm.

The French media reported that this term, originating from the American black rights movement, had not entered the French public's consciousness until 2021, when it appeared multiple times in political debates. For example, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo publicly stated that she would not base her campaign on "woke culture."

Many Western media outlets and politicians are highly wary of "woke culture." For instance, a 2021 article by Euronews argued that the ideology behind "woke culture" and "cancel culture" endangers European democracy. Al Jazeera also warned that "woke culture" can sometimes stifle meaningful causes. Additionally, many people have been "canceled" simply for expressing views differing from "woke culture."

Wang noted that similar to the US, the impact of "woke culture" in Europe is complex and diverse. On one hand, it has increased attention to racial equality and social justice in European countries.

On the other hand, it has also caused social divisions. "Woke culture" has led European societies to reckon with colonial histories and overemphasize identity, exacerbating group conflicts and social estrangement, causing a backlash from far-right forces, and promoting the rise of far-right parties in Europe.

China vows ‘necessary’ measures against US’ finalized tariff hikes on Chinese products

China on Saturday expressed strong dissatisfaction and opposition to US' finalized steep tariff hikes on certain Chinese products, calling the US compounding mistakes and urging it to correct wrongdoings. It also vowed to take necessary measures to protect Chinese firms' interests.

The US announced on Friday that it has finalized sharp tariff hikes on certain Chinese products following a four-year review to "strengthen protections for strategic industries," despite opposition from various sectors. Analysts warned that this self-willed tariff hike will ultimately harm US industries in the long run.

"China is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposed to the tariff increase on certain Chinese products," a spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce of China (MOFCOM) said on Saturday, noting that the US should immediately correct its wrongdoings and cancel all additional tariffs on Chinese products. China will take necessary measures to firmly safeguard the interests of Chinese enterprises.

China has repeatedly lodged serious representations to the US side on the Section 301 tariffs, and the WTO has already ruled that these tariffs violate its rules. Instead of addressing this, the US has further increased tariffs on Chinese products, compounding its mistakes, the spokesperson noted.

"The US Section 301 tariff measure is a typical unilateralism and protectionism. It not only seriously undermines the international trade order and the security and stability of global industrial chains and supply chains, but also fails to improve the US' trade deficit and industrial competitiveness. It also pushes up the prices of US imports, and the costs are ultimately borne by US companies and consumers," the spokesperson noted.

The tariff increase package under the Section 301 investigation on Chinese products included a 100 percent tariff on electric vehicles (EVs), a 50 percent tariff on photovoltaic cells, as well as a 25 percent tariff on EV batteries, ship-to-shore cranes, steel and aluminum products, beginning from September 27, according to a notice released by US Trade Representative's Office (USTR) on Friday.

A 50 percent duty on Chinese semiconductors is due to start in 2025.

The tariff increase decision leaves the top tariff increases announced by US President Joe Biden in May largely unchanged.

The spokesperson cited a report on WTO compliance by the US published by the MOFCOM on Thursday, which criticized Washington for undermining the multilateral trading system, engaging in unilateral trade bullying, applying double standards in industrial policy, and disrupting the global industrial and supply chains by politicization and weaponization of economic and trade issues, willfully wielding the "tariff baton" under the guise of "de-risking."

During a recent business visit by a Chinese delegation to the US, business communities from both countries called for upholding market principles and the spirit of contracts, opposing trade protectionism, and safeguarding the interests of enterprises on both sides. They also stressed the importance of maintaining the security, stability, and smooth flow of global industrial and supply chains, a spokesperson for the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, China's trade promotion agency, said on Saturday, responding to the US finalized tariff hikes.

Back in May, US ports and terminal operators pushed back against the Biden administration's proposed 25-percent tariff on ship-to-shore cranes manufactured in China citing the added cost pressures the gateways would incur that could exceed $130 million, media reported.

The American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) in July urged the USTR office to reverse the decision to impose a 25 percent tariff on Chinese-built ship-to-shore cranes.

"Simply put, AAPA is confident that the tariff, if imposed, will not meet its stated objectives," said Cary Davis, AAPA's President and CEO, as posted on AAPA's website. "Instead, it will only result in negative outcomes, including grave harm to port efficiency and capacity, strained supply chains, increased consumer prices, and a weaker US economy."

"This is not about economics. From a trade perspective, there is no reason for the US to raise tariffs. The decision was made out of a generalized concept of 'national security.' This is purely a political act," He Weiwen, a senior fellow from the Center for China and Globalization, told the Global Times on Saturday.

It is not just American industries that have been opposing the tariffs. An International Monetary Fund (IMF) spokesperson criticized the move in May, saying it "can distort trade and investment, and fragment supply chains."

Back in July, the US postponed the implementation of increased tariffs on Chinese imports, originally set to take effect on August 1. Analysts pointed out that such a delay may be due to concerns among US businesses from various industries, which voiced strong opposition to the initial announcement of the tariff hikes on certain Chinese imports.

A spokesperson for MOFCOM said on September 5 that the Office of the USTR previously sought public comments regarding its tariffs review results, and most opinions were against imposing tariffs or applying for an expansion of tariff exemption, which demonstrates that the practice of the US is not well-received.

Extra tariffs are protectionist measures that are harmful to trade. They will affect American companies related to these products, as well as global companies in the supply chain of these products, Li Yong, a senior research fellow at the China Association of International Trade, told the Global Times.

"The US approach is bound to be opposed by industries because when the US imposes tariffs, it is ultimately its consumers who bear the costs," said Li.

Analysts also emphasized that it would be difficult for the US to find substitutes for some Chinese products in the short term, or if possible, only at a significantly higher cost.

"The US approach is bound to be opposed by industries because when the US imposes tariffs, it is ultimately its consumers who bear the costs," said Li.

Analysts also emphasized that it would be difficult for the US to find substitutes for some Chinese products in the short term, or if possible, only at a significantly higher cost.

Chinese associations back crackdown on toxic fandom

Defaming Chinese table tennis players and coaches on the internet, a 29-year-old internet troll surnamed He has recently earned herself a criminal detention. The incident, which has resulted in a rather severe punishment, indicates not only the lurking hazards involving the dark side of sports fandom, but also the country's zero tolerance for such hazards as epitomized by a latest statement from the Chinese Gymnastics Association.
On Saturday, on social media platforms like Sina Weibo, the association stated firmly the supporting measures taken by China's Public Security Bureau and other related departments to crack down on illegal activities within sports fan circles. Along with it was a similar statement issued by the China Table Tennis Association supporting the country's measures.

On the one hand, the two statements reveal the urgent need to deal with fanatical sports fans, especially during the post-Olympic craze.

On the other hand, it also reveals the trust different organs in the Chinese sports industry have in the country's guidance.

"Under the name of the Qinglang Operation, a series of special actions have been taken since 2021 to cope with toxic fandom in the entertainment industry. The operation's solutions can point the way for the sports industry to deal with toxic fandom," Song Weiping, a cultural policy expert, told the Global Times.

Both statements mentioned issues such as "insults, defamation" and so forth that can have a "negative impact on the work, life and family of the people concerned."

What impact has the negative actions of fans had on athletes and their families?

A recent example involves the mother of Chinese sharpshooter and Paris Olympic champion Xie Yu being stigmatized by some internet troll accounts as an "irresponsible mother" while she was suffering from cancer.

Although the attacks were not directed at Xie himself, they still stabbed toward the athlete's heart, and such a pain can potentially cause an "athlete to lose his vitality in training, and being mentally disturbed to an extent that leads to failure in competitions," Xiang Hehui, a sport insider, told the Global Times.

In other words, any internet abusers who call themselves sports fans aren't really supporters, but attention-seeking jokers who take advantage of an athlete's fame for their own benefit.

How can these jokers face justice for their actions?

Led by the Ministry of Public Security, a recent punitive "case-naming" action seems to be an effective solution. For example, the details of four cases representing typical illegal activities in the field of sports, including the one involving He, were made public.

The action represents the policy-level determination of the country to combat toxic sport fandom culture, and this determination has been supported by not only official national departments, but also individual platforms.

Since April 23, a number of Chinese internet platforms like Sina Weibo have carried out a three-month special action to better regulate the "ecology of sports fandom." A total of 1,581 posts with inappropriate content were removed.

Just as the special action's name Qinglang, or "clean and bright," suggests, the "ecology" of sports fandom involves not only athletes and national guidance, but also platforms, which play an important "gatekeeping" role for prohibiting improper content.

A social media platform's power to managing content can be the best way to deal with trolls instigating public hate, stopping rumors from spreading and other negative behaviors.

Although the irrational behaviors of some fans have cast a shadow on the industry, sports fandom should still be viewed as a matter of pros and cons.

On the positive side, fan culture in sports reflects the public's passion and love for Chinese sports, and their high hopes for athletes of Team China. Other than national policy, platforms and the sports industry, the public also has a major role to play to establish a stable quadrangle sports matrix. Behaviors such as encouraging athletes, being mature and supportive viewers while witnessing an athlete's failure are the core values of a "good fan." These actions bring athletes and fans closer together and create a positive symbiotic relationship while making the world seeing the charm of Chinese sports fans.

During the Paris Olympic Games, Paris's Place de la Concorde was lit up by a group of Chinese fans. They were holding tight onto China's national flag while cheering on the Chinese 3x3 basketball team with special socks embroidered with lucky patterns.

"I've been a fan of Team China since I was 16 years old. I know fans' passion can get out of control because we love Chinese sports too much. But, in recent years, I have gradually realized that respecting athletes and continuing to support them even when they lose a match is how I should love Chinese sports," Wang Jieming, a fan of Chinese gymnastics, told the Global Times while reflecting on Chinese gymnast Su Weide's mistakes during the men's gymnastics team finals at the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Three Chinese players enter third round at US Open with standout performances

China's top tennis players delivered standout performances on the third day of the 2024 US Open, as Zheng Qinwen, Wang Yafan and Shang Juncheng all advanced to the third round.

Seventh-seeded Zheng faced a tough challenge from Erika Andreeva, who had cruised past China's Yuan Yue in the first round. Zheng won 6-7 (3/7), 6-1, 6-2. 

"I started the match quite slow. Little by little I started to feel better in the reaction, in my serve," said Zheng.

"Honestly, today, I know [how] I entered the match wasn't the way I wanted, but I'm glad I still fought until the end. I didn't give up, because she got a lot of chances in the second set," Zheng added.

Meanwhile, Wang also made history by advancing to the round of 32 for the first time in her career. She defeated France's rising star Diane Parry in straight sets, 6-0, 6-4. Wang's first-serve win rate was 76 percent, significantly higher than Parry's 55. Next, Wang will face 20th seed and two-time US Open finalist Victoria Azarenka.

On the men's side, 19-year-old Shang also reached the round of 32 for the first time at the US Open, defeating Spain's Roberto Carballes Baena 6-2, 6-3, 7-6 (2). The victory propelled Shang to a new career-high ranking of world No. 65. His next opponent will be eighth seed Casper Ruud of Norway, who had battled for nearly three hours to overcome France's Gael Monfils.

FAO: International Year of Camelids celebrated in Xinjiang

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) China Office and the People's Government of Fuhai County jointly hosted the International Year of Camelids (IYC) Celebration in Fuhai County, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on August 16, with the theme "Heroes of Deserts for Rural Revitalization."

The event aims to raise awareness of the untapped potential of camelids, calling for increased investment in camelids, and advocating enhanced research, capacity building, and the adoption of innovative practices and technologies.

With unique geographical and climate conditions especially suitable for camel breeding, Fuhai County has become one of the main bases for camel breeding in Xinjiang.

The camel industry in Fuhai has greatly improved the livelihood of herders.

Attracting at least 800 people, the event was a great opportunity to promote the development of the camel industry, improve the livelihood of camel herders, and raise public awareness of the IYC.

The IYC Food Hero and a bio-geneticist Chen Gangliang was invited to the event to share his story of how he developed a camel-centered industry in Fuhai and how he helped to increase the income of local camel herders.

"I figured, if I could explore the economic value of camels, it would be such a good way to both protect these camel resources and increase the income of camel herders," said Chen.

The development of the camel industry in China has lifted the majority of herders out of poverty and increased their income, greatly improving their lives, which is not only due to the government's favorable policies, but also inseparable from the unremitting efforts of relevant enterprises and researchers, as well as the hard work and wisdom of herders.

Fuhai County is part of of Altay Prefecture, which is one of the important animal husbandry regions in Xinjiang and one of the most concentrated camel-producing areas in China.

The number of camels in Fuhai County has grown from less than 3,000 in 2007 to nearly 40,000.

The event was part of the 2024 IYC campaign in China. The campaign is expected to have more stops in Xinjiang and North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Philippines reportedly mulls expanding provisional arrangement with China after latest collision incident

The Philippines is reportedly considering broadening the scope of provisional arrangement with China to ease tensions in the South China Sea.

Alexander Lopez, the spokesperson of the maritime council of the Philippines, said in a televised briefing on Tuesday that the two countries' provisional arrangement on resupply missions to Ren'ai Jiao (Ren'ai Reef) could be "expanded to a bigger area," Bloomberg reported on Tuesday. 

The provisional arrangement on humanitarian resupply of living necessities to a Philippine warship illegally grounded at Ren'ai Jiao was reached in July. The latest move of the Philippines came after two Philippine coast guard vessels, without permission from the Chinese government, intruded into the adjacent waters of Xianbin Jiao, and acted dangerously by ramming the China Coast Guard vessel on Monday.  

The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines on Tuesday urged the Philippines to earnestly observe the arrangement reached with China and to refrain from taking actions that may complicate the situation. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said Manila's move seriously infringes on China's sovereignty, and threatens peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The Philippines, after seeing China's determination to safeguard its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, perhaps has started to reflect on whether its current policies are reasonable and whether they could maximize its national interests, Chen Xiangmiao, director of the world navy research center at the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

Chen said that sending such a signal may be also a strategy to "let China put its guard down," and ease pressure on the Philippines through playing the victim. 

China's attitude toward the Philippines has always been to listen to what it says and watch what it does, Chen said, adding "it all depends on whether the Philippines keeps its promises."

Ma Long wins hearts worldwide as table tennis legend captivates Paris Olympics

China's Olympic Delegation announced on Wednesday that table tennis player Ma Long and synchronized swimmer Feng Yu will serve as flag bearers for the Chinese team at the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics. Ma, the five-time Olympic gold medalist, has been widely welcomed in the Olympic Village. This not only highlights Ma's influence and popularity in the international sports arena but also underscores the beautiful idea that sports transcend national boundaries.

The Paris Olympic media guide has praised Ma as the greatest table tennis player in history, noting his achievements of three team and two singles Olympic gold medals.

The International Olympic Committee said on its website, "This legendary athlete has the opportunity to extend his Olympic legacy."

Ma is the first male player to achieve a career Grand Slam, encompassing Olympic, World Championship, World Cup, Asian Games, Asian Championships, Asian Cup, ITTF World Tour Finals, and National Games singles titles. His consistently high ranking in the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) reflects his enduring dominance in the sport.

Beyond his exceptional achievements in table tennis, Ma's affability and charisma have made him an idol for athletes and fans around the world.

As a key member of the Chinese table tennis team, Ma boasts an enormous fan base in China. He is not only a hero to table tennis enthusiasts but also enjoys widespread admiration from the public.

Ma's high profile and influence extend internationally as well, topping the fan popularity rankings on the World Table Tennis (WTT) website.

His humility, diligence, and professionalism have earned him widespread respect and affection. His tenacity and sportsmanship on the court, combined with his approachable nature, contribute to his esteemed reputation both in and out of the sport.

China congratulates Maduro on election as Venezuelan president

China congratulated Venezuela on Monday on the success of its presidential election and to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro for his successful re-election, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said, after media reported that Maduro won the election with 51.2 percent of votes cast. 

Noting that China and Venezuela are good friends and partners, Lin said that China attaches great importance to the development of bilateral relations and is willing to work with Venezuela to continuously enrich the China-Venezuela all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership and bring more benefits to the two peoples.

In an election that was closely observed by the US and some other Latin American countries, Maduro's declaration of victory is "a disappointing news" to Washington. 

"We have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes of the Venezuelan people," US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in Tokyo on Monday in comments on the election result, according to media reports. 

Some Chinese observers said if Maduro wins the election and begins his third term, the US may not recognize the results, but the Biden administration, preoccupied with its own issues, is unlikely to support another "Guaido" to challenge Maduro. 

In 2019, then Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido tried to launch a coup and a "color revolution" with the support of the US. However, the continued violence did not topple Maduro's government and Guaido was later ditched by Washington as a worthless pawn, according to the Xinhua News Agency. 

Pan Deng, director of the Latin American and Caribbean Region Law Center of China University of Political Science and Law, has been invited by Venezuela's National Electoral Council to serve as an international observer in the country. 

"Many people have great enthusiasm and expectations for this election," Pan told the Global Times.  

"In Venezuelan society, I have not sensed strong extreme or irrational political sentiments. Incidents such as clashes between the police and the public or conflicts between supporters of different groups are rare; at least, I have not seen any in the past few days. However, some citizens are concerned that political disputes and conflicts may emerge after the election," Pan said. 

The Chinese expert said he has spoken with Venezuelans from different social classes and backgrounds about their voting preferences, and the general impression he gets is that middle and lower-class citizens tend to support Maduro more, while those working in the public sector almost universally support him. 

"On the other hand, professionals and overseas returnees who come back to vote are more likely to support Edmundo Gonzalez," Pan said. 

The US and Western media have accused Maduro of fraud and called for a recount. The opposition has criticized the Venezuelan authorities for hastily declaring Maduro the winner before the vote count was complete, suggesting that Venezuela may face a period of unrest in the near future, Xu Shicheng, a research fellow at the Institute of Latin American Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times. 

Currently, most Latin American countries are governed by left-wing or center-left administrations. "While it is possible that some right-wing countries, such as Argentina, might not recognize Maduro for a certain period, a situation like the one where the Lima Group refused to acknowledge Maduro's government in 2019 is unlikely to recur," Xu said. 

The US is currently preoccupied with its own problems, and with only six months left in Biden's term, although the White House has made statements regarding the Venezuelan election, it is largely a case of having the will but not the power, the expert added. 

After a series of interviews and observations, Pan said his strongest impression over the past few days is that Venezuelans' main expectation from the next government is "stable jobs."

"Although Venezuela's inflation trend is now stabilizing and the economy is recovering, many Venezuelans have relied on informal employment, such as temporary or part-time jobs, to make ends meet. Stable, formal employment is needed," Pan said. 

"In my view, stabilizing the economy and creating more job opportunities for the people are the most fervent expectations Venezuelans have for the next government," Pan said.

Another expectation is that many people do not want to see large-scale conflict and turmoil in Venezuela once the election results are announced. They hope that political disputes will quickly subside, allowing the country to focus more on economic recovery and addressing people's livelihood issues, Pan added.